“\n Deacon John is a clear thinker and clear writer and has written a book \n that will be a real contribution to Passing the Faith onto Loved Ones.\n ”\n
\n~ Ralph Martin, S.T.D.
\nDirector of Graduate Theology Programs in the New Evangelization,
\n Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Archdiocese of Detroit
President, \n Renewal Ministries\n \n
\nAuthor of many books including:\n A Church in Crisis (new!), \n The Urgency of the New Evangelization, \n The Final Confrontation, \n Will Many Be Saved, \n and The Fulfillment of All Desire\n
\n\n Trying to pass the faith onto loved ones is not only difficult because\n of horrible scandals, but also because of widespread disbelief,\n doubt, and often having no need for God in this life or the next.\n This short book puts the scandals in perspective and lays out a case \n for why it makes so much sense to believe as a Catholic \n based on evidence and common sense.\n
\n\n It greatly concerns me, as a deacon, to look at the empty seats at Mass,\n and wonder what it's like when people die and must stand before God the Father \n after having neglected and forgotten his beloved son Jesus crucified.\n Therefore, I have written, Passing the Faith onto Loved Ones, \n to aid our conversations with those we care about so they may come to believe\n there is one God, that Jesus is His only beloved son, and that, historically speaking,\n Jesus established one Church to nourish and guide us.\n
\n\n This book presents 3 reasons for believing in God and 12 more for believing\n in Jesus and his Church. It also deals with common challenges, such as, suffering,\n Biblical violence, sexual morality, and women's ordination. It is my hope\n and prayer that this case will ultimately help people believe and be prepared to stand before\n God the Father as Simeon was when he prayed, \"Lord, now your servant is ready to \n go to you in peace.\" (Luke 2:29)\n
if you have any questions or feedback. \n
God bless!\n